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Verge Trimming

11 July 2024

After reports, via social media, of overgrown verges impeding pedestrians walking between Mill Piece and Amberfield, a few members of the parish council and Kevin from Mill Piece set to work on one of the hottest days of the year to improve the situation for the village.

Read more on Verge Trimming

Nacton Mobile Post Service is changing

14 March 2024

This notice has been put up by The Post Office.
Changes take effect on 25th of March.

Read more on Nacton Mobile Post Service is changing

New Village Sign Erected

8 March 2024

Finally, Nacton has its own village sign. It was erected on 7th March 2024 in Victoria Field, now everyone coming through can see it standing proudly.

Read more on New Village Sign Erected

New Grit Bins Arrive

5 March 2024

New bins now in place, so bright they can't be missed. 

Read more on New Grit Bins Arrive

Village Sign Preparation

9 February 2024

The new village sign is nearly ready for installation. Members of the Parish Council have been busy in Victoria Field digging out the correct size hole and then cementing in a base and sign support.

Read more on Village Sign Preparation

New Grit Bins

9 February 2024

The Parish Council has responsibility for the six Grit Bins located around the Nacton Village. Following the usual annual inspection, two bins were scheduled to be replaced. These have now arrived and are awaiting installation. So keep an eye out for these upgrades – you can’t miss them – they are bright “yellow” to conform to Suffolk County Council guidelines.

Read more on New Grit Bins

Green Issues News Letter

26 October 2022

Read the East Suffolk "Green Issues" autumn newsletter HERE

Read more on Green Issues News Letter

Warm Homes Suffolk

11 February 2022

Suffolk residents who are struggling to keep their homes warm, can contact a new project which offers funding and free advice.  Click HERE for further information.

Read more on Warm Homes Suffolk

New bench

6 August 2020

This lovely new bench has been situated on The Street between George Court and the entrance to Palmers Field - Nacton Parish Council hope you enjoy using it.

Read more on New bench

EV Charging in Nacton

6 August 2020

The Orwell Park Estate has benefitted the environment by installing 4 EV charge points at Camilla Court that are available for public use. They can be found on the right hand side at the front where one drives in. 

Read more on EV Charging in Nacton